Health... Most precious asset!!

Microbiological -Gastroenterological - Endocrinological
Urological - Andrological Clinic

Blood Tests, Personalised Check - ups, Preventive Check - ups, Colonoscopy, Gastroscopy

Allergology Clinic
Endocrinological Clinic

You may call 2385049200-8 to schedule your appointment

“Ygeia Florinas” Diagnostic Centre

PRS (Polygenic Risk Score) Test - Assessment of polygenic risk for common hereditary neoplasms

Learn about our New Packages without the use of Insurance

Both our demanding modern lifestyle and our workload often lead us to neglect our health, resulting in the loss of the valuable notions of prevention and early disease diagnosis.

The "Ygeia Florinas" diagnostic centre is a state-of-the-art facility comprising the following departments:

  • Microbiology
  • Haematology
  • Gastroenterology
  • Urology - Andrology
  • Endocrinology
  • Allergology
  • General Surgery

It was created with the aim of protecting the most precious asset of health by presenting:

  • a sense of responsibility towards the public
  • sensitivity to the needs of every citizen

The clinical experience and high training of our scientific staff, combined with state-of-the-art medical equipment, guarantee the maximum reliability of diagnostic results.

Additional services provided by the "Ygeia Florinas" diagnostic centre include:

  1. Design of a completely personalised check-up for you with the help of a pathologist
  2. Same-day result collection
  3. Emailing results to you or your treating physician
  4. Home blood collections

Ουκ ένι ιατρικήν είδέναι, όστις μη οίδεν ό τι εστίν άνθρωπος.
(he is not a physician, he who does not know what man is)

— Hippocrates (460-377 BC, Father of Medicine)