The scientific team of “Ygeia Florinas” diagnostic centre comprises

Μπεκιαρίδης Αριστείδης
Γαστρεντερολόγος – Ηπατολόγος
Ιατρικής, Ιατρική σχολή, Plovdiv
Φ Ε Β Ρ Ο Υ Ά Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 0 3 — Φ Ε Β Ρ Ο Υ Ά Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 0 4 -
Αγροτικος Ιατρος, Κεντρο Υγειας Αιγινιου, Αιγινιο/Κατερινη
Σ Ε Π Τ Έ Μ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 0 4 — Μ Ά Ρ Τ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 0 5 -
Βοηθος δάσκαλος πρωτοβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης, Γ.Ν Εδεσσας, Εδεσσα
Ι Α Ν Ο Υ Ά Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 0 7 — Μ Ά Ι Ο Σ 2 0 0 8” -
Καθηγητής Νευρολογίας β κύκλου σπουδών βοηθών νοσηλευτών.
Ιατρός γενικής παθολογίας, Γ.Ν. Εδεσσας, Εδεσσα
Φ Ε Β Ρ Ο Υ Ά Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 0 7 — Ι Α Ν Ο Υ Ά Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 0 9 -
Ειδικευόμενος ιατρός παθολογικού τομέα.
Ιατρός άνευ ειδικότητας, Ασκληπιος ψυχιατρικη κλινικη, Βεροια
Ι Ο Ύ Ν Ι Ο Σ 2 0 0 9 — Ο Κ Τ Ώ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 2 -
Ιατρός άνευ ειδικότητας, Γενική Κλινική, Θεσσαλονίκη
Α Ύ Γ Ο Υ Σ Τ Ο Σ 2 0 1 0 — Ν Ο Έ Μ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 0 -
Ιατρός ειδικευόμενος γαστρεντερολογίας, Γ.Ν Παπανικολάου ,
Ο Κ Τ Ώ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 2 — Ι Α Ν Ο Υ Ά Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 7 -
Ιατρός γαστρεντερολόγος, Γ. Ν Παπανικολάου, Θεσσαλονίκη
Ι Α Ν Ο Υ Ά Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 7 — Φ Ε Β Ρ Ο Υ Ά Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 7 -
Κυκλική εργασία σε ενδοσκοπικό ιατρείο-εξωτερικό ιατρείο-κλινική -
Ιατρός ειδικός γαστρεντερολός-ηπατολόγος, Γ.Ν. Ημαθίας(μονάδα Βέροιας),
Ι Ο Ύ Ν Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 7 — Π Α Ρ Ό Ν -
Επιμελητής Β Γαστρεντερολογικου ιατρείου.Με δύο μέρες πρωινό εξωτερικό ιατρείο,1 μέρα απογευματινό,3 μέρες ενδοσκοπικό ιατρείο. Στο ιατρείο έχουν γίνει πάνω απο 6000 ενδοσκοπήσεις επεμβατικές και διαγνωστικές ανωτέρου και κατωτέρου και έχουν εξετασθεί πάνω απο 10000 στα εξωτερικά ιατρεία.
Παρακολούθησης, Θεσαλονίκη
Ο Κ Τ Ώ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 3 — Ο Κ Τ Ώ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 3
33 πανελλήνιο γαστρεντερολογίας.Παρακολούθησης, Βόλος
Μ Ά Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 4 — Μ Ά Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 4
Ηπατολογική εταιρίαΠαρακολούθησης, Θεσσαλονίκη
Δ Ε Κ Έ Μ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 4 — Δ Ε Κ Έ Μ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 4
34 πανελλήνιο γαστρεντερολογίαςΠαρακολούθησης, Ερέτρια
Ι Ο Ύ Ν Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 5 — Ι Ο Ύ Ν Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 5
14 πανελλήνιο συνέδριο γαστρεντερολογίαςΠαρακολούθησης, Ιωαννίνα
Ι Ο Ύ Ν Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 6 — Ι Ο Ύ Ν Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 6
15 πανελλήνιο συνέδριο ΙΦΝΕΠαρακολούθησης, Vienna
Ο Κ Τ Ώ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 6 — Ο Κ Τ Ώ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 6
U.E.G WEEK VIENNAΠαρακολούθησης, Nαύπλιο
Ι Ο Ύ Ν Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 7 — Ι Ο Ύ Ν Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 7
16 πανελλήνιο συνπεδριο ΙΦΝΕΠαρακολούθησης, Θεσσαλονίκη
Ο Κ Τ Ώ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 7 — Ο Κ Τ Ώ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 7
37 πανελλήνιο συνέδριο γαστρεντερολογίαςΠαρακολούθησης, Lisbon
Α Π Ρ Ί Λ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 8 — Α Π Ρ Ί Λ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 8
Νew borders on IBDΠαρακολούθησης, Θεσαλονίκη
Μ Ά Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 8 — Μ Ά Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 8
17 πανελλήνιο συνέδριο ΙΦΝΕΠαρακολούθησης, Kaunas
Σ Ε Π Τ Έ Μ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 8 — Σ Ε Π Τ Έ Μ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 8
31 WORKSHOP helicobacter ,mikrpbiota and cancerΠαρακολούθησης, Aθηνα
Δ Ε Κ Έ Μ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 8 — Δ Ε Κ Έ Μ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 8
38 πανελλήνιο συνέδριο γαστρεντερλογίαςΠαρακολούθησης, Rome
Μ Ά Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 9 — Μ Ά Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 9
endolive roma 2019Παρακολούθησης, Aλεξανδρούπολη
Ο Κ Τ Ώ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 9 — Ο Κ Τ Ώ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 9
39 πανελλήνιο συνέδριο γαστρεντερολογίας
Παρακολούθησης, Barcelona
Ο Κ Τ Ώ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 9 — Ο Κ Τ Ώ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 9
Ν Ο Έ Μ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 2 0 — Ν Ο Έ Μ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 2 0
25 συνέδριο ελικοβακτηριδίουΠαρακολούθησης, Ιωαννινα
Ο Κ Τ Ώ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 2 1 — Ο Κ Τ Ώ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 2 1
41 πανελλ'ηνιο συνέδριο γαστρεντερολογίαςΠαρακολούθησης, Αθηνα
Ν Ο Έ Μ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 2 2 — Ν Ο Έ Μ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 2 2
42 πανελλήνιο συνέδριο γαστρεντερολογίαςΠαρακολούθησης, Ναυπλιο
Α Π Ρ Ί Λ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 2 3 — Α Π Ρ Ί Λ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 2 3
28 πανελλήνιο συνέδριο ελικοβακτηριδίουΠαρακολούθησης, Βόλος
Μ Ά Ι Ο Σ 2 0 2 3 — Μ Ά Ι Ο Σ 2 0 2 3
21 πανελλήνιου συνλεδριου ΙΦΝΕΠαρακολούθησης, Θεσσαλονίκη
Ν Ο Έ Μ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 2 3 — Ν Ο Έ Μ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 2 3
43 πανελλήνιο συνέδριο γαστρενετρολογίας
Dr. Maria Psomiadou
Pediatric and Adult Allergist
Graduate of the Medical School of the University of Sofia
Recognition of equivalent degree through D.O.A.T.A.P – Hellenic National Academic Recognition and Information Center (Hellenic NARIC)
Specialised in Allergology - Clinical Immunology.
Continuous participation in National and International conferences and Scientific events
Trainee Doctor at the Outpatient Clinics of General Hospital of Veria (Rural Trimester, 2004)
Rural Doctor at the Regional Health Centre of Kopanos/Imathia. (2004 - 2005)
Trainee Doctor in Paediatrics, until the completion of two years required for obtaining the title of Allergology Specialty. (2005 - 2007)
Private Practitioner (as a non-contracted physician) with a Private Clinic in Makrochori Veria/Imathia. (2008 - 08.2012)
Trainee Doctor at the Children's Hospital of Athens A. & P. Kyriakou for the acquisition of the Allergology Specialty title. (09.2012 - 11.2015)
Private Allergology Clinic (06.2016 - present)
Volunteer at the Municipal Health Centre of the Municipality of Veria, providing Primary Health Care Services to the poor and uninsured citizens. (02.2017 - present)
Alongside my scientific career, I worked as a part-time instructor at Vocational Training Institutes & EPAS of OAED ('Organisation for the Employment of the Workforce'), as well as in Public Vocational Training Institutes of the Ministry of Education with approximately 1100 teaching hours (2007 - 2011). My career as an educator also continues from 2018 until today.
Northern Greece Paediatrics - Subject "Gradenigo Syndrome: case description in a child", volume 18, issue 4, ISSN 1105-2325, pages 371-375 (10.2006 - 12.2006)
Northern Greece Pediatrics - Subject "Facial nerve palsy: a rare complication of Kawasaki disease", volume 19, issue 2, ISSN 1105-2325, pages 174-178 (04.2007 - 06.2007)
Pan-Hellenic Paediatric Congress - Reference of volume 19 textbook with posted announcement (AA) 090 (25-27.05.2007)
PAAM - Decision points for boiled egg challenges in Greek children with sensitization to egg proteins (2013) | Observational follow-up study with the Pan-European standard prick test to determine inhalant allergen sensitization rates in a Greek population (2013) | Wells Syndrome (or Eosinophilic Cellulitis) – A case report (2013) | Co-recognition of lipid transfer protein in pollens and foods in a Greek pediatric population (2013)
EAACI - Anaphylaxis to both garlic and onion (2014) | Skin prick tests to ovomucoid may predict clinical reactivity in children with sensitization to egg (2014) | Food Protein Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome prevalence in a Greek pediatric population (2014)
Dr. Georgios Efstathios Sidiropoulos
Biopathologist (Microbiologist)
Graduate of the Medical School of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Specialised in Pathology at Papageorgiou General Hospital of Thessaloniki
Continuous training and attendance of postgraduate seminars and national conferences in Biopathology, Blood Donation, and Hematology
Served as Assistant Pathologist at the Microbiological Laboratory and Blood Donation Unit of Florina General Hospital for 2 years
Dr. Georgios Pavlidis
Graduate of Medical School
Professional License
Rural Health Service of Dipotamia - Kastoria
Pathological Specialty Practice at "Mamatsio" General Hospital
Surplus Attendant in the Nephrology Clinic at "Mamatsio" General Hospital
Training in Endocrinology Specialty at the University General Hospital of Heraklion, Crete (PEPAHNIE)
6-month training in RIA and scintigraphy techniques at the Nuclear Medicine Department of PEPAHNIE
6-month training in the ultrasound department of PEPAHNIE
6-month training in paediatric endocrinology at "Agia Sophia" Children's Hospital, Athens.
Environmental factors and endemic goiter in Crete (Greece) (Merc European Thyroid Symposium, Budapest 2000, June 22-25)
1. Presentation of 20 cases of mass adrenal gland that have been in the Endocrinological Clinic from 1989 until the present day (9th Pancretian Medical Convention)
2. Pregnancy Diabetes in Crete: Study of Pepagni. (9th Pancretian Medical Convention)
3. Endemic Goiter repercussions on the children in two communities in Crete (26th Panhellenic Medical Convention of Endocrinology and Metabolism)
4. Endemic Goiter repercussions on the children in three communities in Crete (26th Panhellenic Medical Convention of Endocrinology and Metabolism)
5. A study of thyroid gland cancer over time in Crete (26th Panhellenic Medical Convention Of Endocrinology and Metabolism)
6. Goiter in the school population of Crete (27th Panhellenic Convention of Endocrinology and Metabolism)
7. Therapy in Thyrotoxic crisis with plasmaferesis (27th Panhellenic Convention of Endocrinology and Metabolism)
8. Effectiveness of plasmaferesis in thyrotoxic crisis of patients with Graves’ disease (11th Panhellenic Kidneys Convention)
9. (Newer data for Vitamin D. Intensive study in Endocrinology. 1st course of lessons.)
Anastasios K. Sylakos, MD
Urologist - Andrologist
Specialist in the Department of Urology at the University Hospital of Ioannina.
Postgraduate training in pediatric urology at Tottori University Hospital in Japan.
University Urological Clinic of “Laiko” Hospital in Athens.
Candidate for a doctoral thesis at the Medical School of the University of Ioannina.
Continuous attendance of international and national conferences.
Honorary distinction at the 14th Interuniversity Radiology Conference with commendation for the presentation on Multislice Axial Urography in the Investigation of Hematuria (2004).
Private practice since 2006.
Clinical urologist at the Social Security Institute (ΙΚΑ) of Ioannina for 2 years (2008-2010).
12 publications in international scientific journals (1997-1999).
Dr. Christos Pasinis
General Surgeon
Graduate of the Medical School of the University of Ioannina
Specialisation in General Surgery at the Second Propaedeutic Pathological Clinic of the Hippocratic Hospital.
Continuous participation in National, European, American, and other international conferences.
Rural service at the Health Centre of Tinos.
Years of clinical experience and employment in private clinics in Thessaloniki, primarily at Agios Loukas Hospital.
Participation in postgraduate seminars with training in new methods in Laparoscopic Surgery at IRCAD in Strasbourg, France.
Clinical experience gained from performing a plethora of interventions related to both classical and laparoscopic surgery for diseases of the digestive system, liver, pancreas, bile ducts, as well as endocrine glands (thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal glands).