Microbiological Laboratory
In our microbiological laboratory, we conduct all haematological, biochemical, microbiological, and immunological tests.
Personalized check-ups can be performed based on specific health issues such as thyroid diseases, diabetes, obesity, dietary intolerance and allergies, neoplasms, chronic fatigue syndrome, vitamin deficiencies etc., as well as preventive check-ups tailored to age, gender, family history, dietary habits, and lifestyle. There is also home blood collection available by appointment, especially for individuals with mobility and other serious health issues.
Results are provided by the pathologist between 6-8 pm with necessary explanation and initial instructions, if needed. Results can also be sent via email to you and your physician.
The daily operating hours are from 8 am to 2 pm and from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm, except weekends. Blood collections are conducted throughout the operating hours.
- Blood Tests
- Coagulation Tests
- Basic Biochemical Tests
- Lipids & Lipoproteins
- Electrolytes
- Cardiac Markers – Enzymes
- Reproductive Hormonal Assessment
- Immunological – Hormonal Diabetes Assessment
- Immunological – Hormonal Thyroid Assessment
- Hormonal Osteoporosis Assessment
- Neoplasia Markers
- Autocytoplasmic Autoantibodies
- Celiac Disease Antibodies
- Cardiolipin Autoantibodies
- Rheumatoid Factors
- Medicine Levels – Toxicology Tests
Scientific Team
Dr. Georgios Efstathios Sidiropoulos
Biopathologist (Microbiologist)
Graduate of the Medical School of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Specialised in Pathology at Papageorgiou General Hospital of Thessaloniki
Continuous training and attendance of postgraduate seminars and national conferences in Biopathology, Blood Donation, and Hematology
Served as Assistant Pathologist at the Microbiological Laboratory and Blood Donation Unit of Florina General Hospital for 2 years
Gastroenterology Clinic - Endoscopic Laboratory
The gastroenterologist specialises in the monitoring and treatment of acute and chronic diseases of the digestive system, as well as the liver, pancreas, and bile ducts. The "Ygeia Florinas" diagnostic centre additionally has a fully equipped endoscopic unit of the digestive system for gastroscopy (esophagogastroduodenoscopy), colonoscopy - polypectomies - and haemostasis on bleeding ulcers, vessels, and tumors.
With endoscopy, the gastroenterologist observes the entire internal surface of the esophagus, stomach, duodenum, and the large intestine with the help of a high-resolution endoscope.
Diagnostic endoscopy is performed in the upper (esophagus, stomach, duodenum) or lower digestive system (colon), to diagnose the lesion, take biopsies, and histologically confirm the diagnosis.
With interventional endoscopy, polyps can also be removed.
Information - Preparation for
Scientific Team
Μπεκιαρίδης Αριστείδης
Γαστρεντερολόγος – Ηπατολόγος
Ιατρικής, Ιατρική σχολή, Plovdiv
Φ Ε Β Ρ Ο Υ Ά Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 0 3 — Φ Ε Β Ρ Ο Υ Ά Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 0 4 -
Αγροτικος Ιατρος, Κεντρο Υγειας Αιγινιου, Αιγινιο/Κατερινη
Σ Ε Π Τ Έ Μ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 0 4 — Μ Ά Ρ Τ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 0 5 -
Βοηθος δάσκαλος πρωτοβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης, Γ.Ν Εδεσσας, Εδεσσα
Ι Α Ν Ο Υ Ά Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 0 7 — Μ Ά Ι Ο Σ 2 0 0 8” -
Καθηγητής Νευρολογίας β κύκλου σπουδών βοηθών νοσηλευτών.
Ιατρός γενικής παθολογίας, Γ.Ν. Εδεσσας, Εδεσσα
Φ Ε Β Ρ Ο Υ Ά Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 0 7 — Ι Α Ν Ο Υ Ά Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 0 9 -
Ειδικευόμενος ιατρός παθολογικού τομέα.
Ιατρός άνευ ειδικότητας, Ασκληπιος ψυχιατρικη κλινικη, Βεροια
Ι Ο Ύ Ν Ι Ο Σ 2 0 0 9 — Ο Κ Τ Ώ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 2 -
Ιατρός άνευ ειδικότητας, Γενική Κλινική, Θεσσαλονίκη
Α Ύ Γ Ο Υ Σ Τ Ο Σ 2 0 1 0 — Ν Ο Έ Μ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 0 -
Ιατρός ειδικευόμενος γαστρεντερολογίας, Γ.Ν Παπανικολάου ,
Ο Κ Τ Ώ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 2 — Ι Α Ν Ο Υ Ά Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 7 -
Ιατρός γαστρεντερολόγος, Γ. Ν Παπανικολάου, Θεσσαλονίκη
Ι Α Ν Ο Υ Ά Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 7 — Φ Ε Β Ρ Ο Υ Ά Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 7 -
Κυκλική εργασία σε ενδοσκοπικό ιατρείο-εξωτερικό ιατρείο-κλινική -
Ιατρός ειδικός γαστρεντερολός-ηπατολόγος, Γ.Ν. Ημαθίας(μονάδα Βέροιας),
Ι Ο Ύ Ν Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 7 — Π Α Ρ Ό Ν -
Επιμελητής Β Γαστρεντερολογικου ιατρείου.Με δύο μέρες πρωινό εξωτερικό ιατρείο,1 μέρα απογευματινό,3 μέρες ενδοσκοπικό ιατρείο. Στο ιατρείο έχουν γίνει πάνω απο 6000 ενδοσκοπήσεις επεμβατικές και διαγνωστικές ανωτέρου και κατωτέρου και έχουν εξετασθεί πάνω απο 10000 στα εξωτερικά ιατρεία.
Παρακολούθησης, Θεσαλονίκη
Ο Κ Τ Ώ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 3 — Ο Κ Τ Ώ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 3
33 πανελλήνιο γαστρεντερολογίας.Παρακολούθησης, Βόλος
Μ Ά Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 4 — Μ Ά Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 4
Ηπατολογική εταιρίαΠαρακολούθησης, Θεσσαλονίκη
Δ Ε Κ Έ Μ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 4 — Δ Ε Κ Έ Μ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 4
34 πανελλήνιο γαστρεντερολογίαςΠαρακολούθησης, Ερέτρια
Ι Ο Ύ Ν Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 5 — Ι Ο Ύ Ν Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 5
14 πανελλήνιο συνέδριο γαστρεντερολογίαςΠαρακολούθησης, Ιωαννίνα
Ι Ο Ύ Ν Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 6 — Ι Ο Ύ Ν Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 6
15 πανελλήνιο συνέδριο ΙΦΝΕΠαρακολούθησης, Vienna
Ο Κ Τ Ώ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 6 — Ο Κ Τ Ώ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 6
U.E.G WEEK VIENNAΠαρακολούθησης, Nαύπλιο
Ι Ο Ύ Ν Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 7 — Ι Ο Ύ Ν Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 7
16 πανελλήνιο συνπεδριο ΙΦΝΕΠαρακολούθησης, Θεσσαλονίκη
Ο Κ Τ Ώ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 7 — Ο Κ Τ Ώ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 7
37 πανελλήνιο συνέδριο γαστρεντερολογίαςΠαρακολούθησης, Lisbon
Α Π Ρ Ί Λ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 8 — Α Π Ρ Ί Λ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 8
Νew borders on IBDΠαρακολούθησης, Θεσαλονίκη
Μ Ά Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 8 — Μ Ά Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 8
17 πανελλήνιο συνέδριο ΙΦΝΕΠαρακολούθησης, Kaunas
Σ Ε Π Τ Έ Μ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 8 — Σ Ε Π Τ Έ Μ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 8
31 WORKSHOP helicobacter ,mikrpbiota and cancerΠαρακολούθησης, Aθηνα
Δ Ε Κ Έ Μ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 8 — Δ Ε Κ Έ Μ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 8
38 πανελλήνιο συνέδριο γαστρεντερλογίαςΠαρακολούθησης, Rome
Μ Ά Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 9 — Μ Ά Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 9
endolive roma 2019Παρακολούθησης, Aλεξανδρούπολη
Ο Κ Τ Ώ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 9 — Ο Κ Τ Ώ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 9
39 πανελλήνιο συνέδριο γαστρεντερολογίας
Παρακολούθησης, Barcelona
Ο Κ Τ Ώ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 9 — Ο Κ Τ Ώ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 1 9
Ν Ο Έ Μ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 2 0 — Ν Ο Έ Μ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 2 0
25 συνέδριο ελικοβακτηριδίουΠαρακολούθησης, Ιωαννινα
Ο Κ Τ Ώ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 2 1 — Ο Κ Τ Ώ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 2 1
41 πανελλ'ηνιο συνέδριο γαστρεντερολογίαςΠαρακολούθησης, Αθηνα
Ν Ο Έ Μ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 2 2 — Ν Ο Έ Μ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 2 2
42 πανελλήνιο συνέδριο γαστρεντερολογίαςΠαρακολούθησης, Ναυπλιο
Α Π Ρ Ί Λ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 2 3 — Α Π Ρ Ί Λ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 2 3
28 πανελλήνιο συνέδριο ελικοβακτηριδίουΠαρακολούθησης, Βόλος
Μ Ά Ι Ο Σ 2 0 2 3 — Μ Ά Ι Ο Σ 2 0 2 3
21 πανελλήνιου συνλεδριου ΙΦΝΕΠαρακολούθησης, Θεσσαλονίκη
Ν Ο Έ Μ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 2 3 — Ν Ο Έ Μ Β Ρ Ι Ο Σ 2 0 2 3
43 πανελλήνιο συνέδριο γαστρενετρολογίας
Urological – Andrological Clinic
Doctor’s CV
Anastasios K. Sylakos, MD, Urologist - Andrologist
1999 License to practice Medicine (Health Directorate of Ioannina Prefecture).
1999 Training in the pathological, surgical, and cardiological departments of Hatzikosta General Hospital in Ioannina (three-month surgical specialisation).
1999-2000 Rural Service at K.I. Pogoniannis Health Center in Delvinaki.
2000-2001 Surgical specialisation training at the Department of General Surgery of Filiates Hospital.
2002-2006 Specialisation in Urology, Department of Clinical Urology, University Hospital of Ioannina.
1st Educational Laparoscopic Urology Workshop in Patras.
2005-2006 Paediatric Urology specialisation training, Department of Urology, Tottori University Hospital, Japan.
2006 Board certification in Urology (Health Directorate of Ioannina Prefecture).
Practical course in prostate ultrasound and biopsy, Lisbon. (12th Practical Course Prostate Ultrasound and Biopsy/3rd International Workshop on Prostate Biopsy, Lisbon).
2014 Training in the da Vinci surgical system in the programme “Robotics Assistance in Urology”of the 1st University Urology Clinic of "Laiko" General Hospital in Athens.
PhD candidate, Medical School, University of Ioannina
1997-1999 Medical courses during military service for conscripts and permanent army officers.
2000 Instructor in individual and public health course for vocational nursing school students at the P.N.I. Hatzikosta.
2000-2001 Participation in the training of rural doctors at Filiates Hospital.
2001 Doctor Responsible for the surgical team during the conduct of the international Super Rally, 2001 (Federation of Harley-Davidson Clubs Europe (FH-DCE)).
2003-2005 Teaching in the practical training of fourth-year medical students at the University of Ioannina.
2007 Trainer at the National Emergency Aid Centre School in Ioannina.
2008-2010 Clinical Urologist at the Social Insurance Institute (IKA) of Ioannina.
From 2006 Clinical Urologist in private practice.
21th European Association of Urology (EAU) Annual Congress, Paris, France, 5-8 April 2006. A. Sylakos. Experimental models of left varicocele in animals: What have we learned(EAU Section Meetings)
14th Panhellenic Radiology Congress, Crete, 11-14 November 2004. The multidetector computed tomography in the investigation of hematuria. A. Tsili, K. Tsampoulas, F. Katzioti, D. Baltogiannis, A. Sylakos, N. Sofikitis, S. Efthymidis. This presentation was honoured with commendation
European Urological Society
Endourological Society
Hellenic Urological Society
Hellenic Andrological Society
Urology is a surgical specialty that deals with the study, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases of the urinary tract in both men and women, as well as diseases of the male reproductive system.
The urinary system consists of the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra. Its purpose is the production and excretion of urine and the maintenance of water/electrolyte balance.
Urological diseases are classified as follows:
- Diseases of the prostate gland
- Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
- Prostatitis
- Prostate Cancer
- Tumours of the Genitourinary System
- Kidney and ureteral cancer
- Bladder cancer
- Testicular cancer
- Penile cancer
- Infections of the urinary system
- Urinary tract infections in men
- Urinary tract infections in women
- Urinary incontinence
- Ακράτεια ούρων
- Male incontinence
- Female incontinence
- Phimosis
- Hydrocele
- Varicocele
- Diseases of the prostate gland
Andrology is the medical specialty that specifically deals with diseases related to the male reproductive system.
The male reproductive system consists of the penis, the testes, and the ejaculatory duct.
Main categories of andrology include
- Male infertility
- Erectile dysfunction
- Premature ejaculation
- Peyronie's disease
- Penile fractures
Common Urological – Andrological Symptoms
The urological-andrological symptoms that cause disorders and require investigation and appropriate management by an Urologist-Andrologist are as follows:
a. Renal-ureter colic (pain in the kidney region with or without radiation towards the genital organs).
b. Orchialgia (pain in the testicles).
c. Prostatalgia (pain or discomfort in the genital organs, rectum, perineum, suprapubic region, bladder, or rectal area).
d. Urinary Frequency (when the micturition rate is more than 8 times per day and urine output is less than 200 ml per time.).
e. Nocturia (urination more than once during the nocturnal sleep period).
f. Dysuria (difficulty urinating usually accompanied by burning or pain).
g. Haematuria (presence of blood in the urine).
h. Pyuria (presence of white blood cells/pyospheres in the urine).
i. Oliguria-Anuria (decreased urine production).
j. Polyuria (excessive urine output exceeding 2.5 litters per day).
k. Enuresis (involuntary loss of urine by a child during the day and especially at night in bed, occurring at least twice weekly for at least three consecutive months, in children over 5 years of age).
l. Urinary incontinence (involuntary loss of urine without the patient's intention).
m. Urethral discharge (whitish, viscous, malodorous or odourless fluid at the external urethral meatus, usually accompanied by a burning sensation during urination).
n. Haematospermia (presence of blood in semen during ejaculation).
Endocrinological Clinic
The field covered by Endocrinology is quite broad, and a brief list of conditions falling within it includes:
- Type 1, Type 2, and gestational diabetes
- Dyslipidaemia
- Obesity and metabolic disorders
- Thyroid diseases
- Calcium disorders
- Female and male osteoporosis
- Adrenal gland disorders
- Pituitary and hypothalamus disorders
- Menstrual cycle disorders
- Menopause and hormone replacement therapy
- Hirsutism and acne
- Reproductive disorders
- Early and delayed puberty
- Growth disorders
By appointment only . Telephone: 2385049200-208
Scientific Team
Dr. Georgios Pavlidis
Graduate of Medical School
Professional License
Rural Health Service of Dipotamia - Kastoria
Pathological Specialty Practice at "Mamatsio" General Hospital
Surplus Attendant in the Nephrology Clinic at "Mamatsio" General Hospital
Training in Endocrinology Specialty at the University General Hospital of Heraklion, Crete (PEPAHNIE)
6-month training in RIA and scintigraphy techniques at the Nuclear Medicine Department of PEPAHNIE
6-month training in the ultrasound department of PEPAHNIE
6-month training in paediatric endocrinology at "Agia Sophia" Children's Hospital, Athens.
Environmental factors and endemic goiter in Crete (Greece) (Merc European Thyroid Symposium, Budapest 2000, June 22-25)
1. Presentation of 20 cases of mass adrenal gland that have been in the Endocrinological Clinic from 1989 until the present day (9th Pancretian Medical Convention)
2. Pregnancy Diabetes in Crete: Study of Pepagni. (9th Pancretian Medical Convention)
3. Endemic Goiter repercussions on the children in two communities in Crete (26th Panhellenic Medical Convention of Endocrinology and Metabolism)
4. Endemic Goiter repercussions on the children in three communities in Crete (26th Panhellenic Medical Convention of Endocrinology and Metabolism)
5. A study of thyroid gland cancer over time in Crete (26th Panhellenic Medical Convention Of Endocrinology and Metabolism)
6. Goiter in the school population of Crete (27th Panhellenic Convention of Endocrinology and Metabolism)
7. Therapy in Thyrotoxic crisis with plasmaferesis (27th Panhellenic Convention of Endocrinology and Metabolism)
8. Effectiveness of plasmaferesis in thyrotoxic crisis of patients with Graves’ disease (11th Panhellenic Kidneys Convention)
9. (Newer data for Vitamin D. Intensive study in Endocrinology. 1st course of lessons.)
Allergological Clinic
ALLERGIES: A modern epidemic!
Etymologically, the word "allergy" is compound and derives from the combination of the words "allos + ergon" where "allos" means different from normal and "ergon" means the body's action.
Allergy is a disease or a condition characterised by the excessive and incorrect reaction of our organism against innocent - harmless substances, the allergens. Allergens do not cause any reaction in non-allergic individuals.
Facts about Allergy:
- Being sensitised does not necessarily mean being allergic.
- Allergy usually starts early in childhood and persists for many years, often for life. It can occur at any age.
- Allergic diseases are the most common chronic diseases in children and young adults.
- Patients with one allergic condition are at increased risk of developing more allergies.
- In children, one allergic condition often follows another. Atopic dermatitis usually appears first (allergic march).
- A child with asthma can participate in sports activities, as long as their asthma is controlled.
- Allergies have a significant genetic predisposition, but their occurrence can exist without a family history of allergies.
Common Allergic Diseases:
- Allergic rhinitis
- Allergic asthma
- Atopic dermatitis
- Eczema
- Urticaria
- Angioedema
- Food Allergy
- Drug Allergy
- Allergy to Hymenoptera (bee & wasp)
Medical Office Services:
- Clinical examination
- Skin tests
- Respiratory function testing
- Challenge tests
- Immunotherapy
- Special Immunotherapy
- Special Conservative drug therapy
- Special avoidance guidelines for culpable allergens
- Monoclonal antibodies
- Regulation of drug allergies
- Corticosteroid injection has no place in the immediate management of anaphylactic shock.
- Keep the windows of your house closed during high pollen hours or when it is windy.
- To keep allergens away from the eyes, nose, or mouth, wear sunglasses or a mask.
Allergy may be the most modern epidemic, but we can deal with it together. Come, we are waiting for you!
Scientific Team
Dr. Maria Psomiadou
Pediatric and Adult Allergist
Graduate of the Medical School of the University of Sofia
Recognition of equivalent degree through D.O.A.T.A.P – Hellenic National Academic Recognition and Information Center (Hellenic NARIC)
Specialised in Allergology - Clinical Immunology.
Continuous participation in National and International conferences and Scientific events
Trainee Doctor at the Outpatient Clinics of General Hospital of Veria (Rural Trimester, 2004)
Rural Doctor at the Regional Health Centre of Kopanos/Imathia. (2004 - 2005)
Trainee Doctor in Paediatrics, until the completion of two years required for obtaining the title of Allergology Specialty. (2005 - 2007)
Private Practitioner (as a non-contracted physician) with a Private Clinic in Makrochori Veria/Imathia. (2008 - 08.2012)
Trainee Doctor at the Children's Hospital of Athens A. & P. Kyriakou for the acquisition of the Allergology Specialty title. (09.2012 - 11.2015)
Private Allergology Clinic (06.2016 - present)
Volunteer at the Municipal Health Centre of the Municipality of Veria, providing Primary Health Care Services to the poor and uninsured citizens. (02.2017 - present)
Alongside my scientific career, I worked as a part-time instructor at Vocational Training Institutes & EPAS of OAED ('Organisation for the Employment of the Workforce'), as well as in Public Vocational Training Institutes of the Ministry of Education with approximately 1100 teaching hours (2007 - 2011). My career as an educator also continues from 2018 until today.
Northern Greece Paediatrics - Subject "Gradenigo Syndrome: case description in a child", volume 18, issue 4, ISSN 1105-2325, pages 371-375 (10.2006 - 12.2006)
Northern Greece Pediatrics - Subject "Facial nerve palsy: a rare complication of Kawasaki disease", volume 19, issue 2, ISSN 1105-2325, pages 174-178 (04.2007 - 06.2007)
Pan-Hellenic Paediatric Congress - Reference of volume 19 textbook with posted announcement (AA) 090 (25-27.05.2007)
PAAM - Decision points for boiled egg challenges in Greek children with sensitization to egg proteins (2013) | Observational follow-up study with the Pan-European standard prick test to determine inhalant allergen sensitization rates in a Greek population (2013) | Wells Syndrome (or Eosinophilic Cellulitis) – A case report (2013) | Co-recognition of lipid transfer protein in pollens and foods in a Greek pediatric population (2013)
EAACI - Anaphylaxis to both garlic and onion (2014) | Skin prick tests to ovomucoid may predict clinical reactivity in children with sensitization to egg (2014) | Food Protein Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome prevalence in a Greek pediatric population (2014)
Surgical Clinic
The General Surgeon specializes in the treatment of surgical diseases of the digestive system, liver, pancreas, spleen, gallbladder, and bile ducts, as well as in the treatment of diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, and breast. All these fall within the field of general surgery.
In the clinic, a variety of minor surgical procedures can be performed, referred to as local interventions, using local anaesthesia without the assistance of an anaesthesiologist. These procedures include the removal of fat deposits, skin lesions, and soft tissue masses from any area of the body.
Modern therapeutic methods include laparoscopic surgery for the treatment of abdominal conditions (laparoscopic cholecystectomy, laparoscopic diaphragmatic hernia repair, laparoscopic umbilical hernia repair, postoperative hernias, laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair, laparoscopic appendectomy, as well as laparoscopic interventions for tumours of the stomach, small and large intestines, and endocrine glands).
It is well known that with the laparoscopic method, the level of treatment is very high therapeutically while having a very short and good postoperative course with rapid return to daily life and very good aesthetic results.
Scientific Team
Dr. Christos Pasinis
General Surgeon
Graduate of the Medical School of the University of Ioannina
Specialisation in General Surgery at the Second Propaedeutic Pathological Clinic of the Hippocratic Hospital.
Continuous participation in National, European, American, and other international conferences.
Rural service at the Health Centre of Tinos.
Years of clinical experience and employment in private clinics in Thessaloniki, primarily at Agios Loukas Hospital.
Participation in postgraduate seminars with training in new methods in Laparoscopic Surgery at IRCAD in Strasbourg, France.
Clinical experience gained from performing a plethora of interventions related to both classical and laparoscopic surgery for diseases of the digestive system, liver, pancreas, bile ducts, as well as endocrine glands (thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal glands).