• 05 FEB 15

    Examination for Women in Menopause

    Basic Check-up + Fe, Ferr, Ca, 24-hour urine Ca, 2-hour urine NTx, PTH, Vit D3- 25(OH), T3, freeT4, TSH, anti-TPO/TG, CEA, CA 125, CA 15.3, CA 19.9

    For women in menopause, the examination begins with the basic check- up, including an examination for iron deficiency and thyroid function, as for younger women. However, menopause brings significant metabolic changes, notably alterations in lipid profiles (especially cholesterol) and bone metabolism, which may manifest as osteopenia or osteoporosis, necessitating additional tests. Further evaluation may also include screening for neoplastic diseases of the reproductive organs and intestines.

    In addition to the analyses in the basic check-up, the following tests are recommended:

    Iron (Fe) and its primary storage form ferritin (Ferr), selected together, to investigate possible iron deficiency. Signs of iron deficiency include brittle hair and nails, fatigue, and fainting tendencies.

    Calcium (Ca), one of the essential trace elements in metabolism, associated with the physiology of various body systems such as the thyroid, kidneys, and bones.

    Urinary NTx (N-terminal telopeptide of type I collagen), a product of bone breakdown. This test can predict possible osteopenia and osteoporosis, allowing for timely advice or treatment.

    Parathyroid hormone (PTH), the primary regulatory hormone in calcium and bone metabolism.

    Vitamin D3 25(OH), responsible for the efficient absorption of calcium from bones, with significant protective effects against infections and cancers.

    T3 (triiodothyronine), freeT4 (free thyroxine), TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone), anti-TPO (anti-thyroid peroxidase antibodies), anti-TG (anti- thyroglobulin antibodies), comprising a thyroid analysis package assessing both biochemical performance and regulation, as well as the presence of autoantibodies that may impair its function over time. Women generally have an increased likelihood of thyroid disorders, which can adversely affect cardiac function, metabolism, and mood.

    CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen), CA 19.9 (cancer antigen 19.9), CA 15.3 (cancer antigen 15.3), CA 125 (cancer antigen 125). These analyses can detect inflammations and neoplasms promptly, in ovaries, breasts, liver, and intestines.

    We provide your results with a full explanation, assessment, and initial guidance if necessary.

    As preparation for morning blood sampling and examination, the following is suggested:
     Mandatory intake of an evening meal the night before.
    – The last meal should be consumed up to 11-12 hours before blood sampling.
    – The evening meal should contain fewer animal fats (if it includes cheeses, fatty dairy products, and meats).
    - In the morning, only coffee should be consumed, with free water intake.

    For urine collection:
    – Collect the first morning urine.
    – Wash the area thoroughly with plenty of water, without soap.
    – Discard the first urine of urination and collect a small amount from midstream in a specialized urine collector

Σχετικές εξετάσεις

  • Simple Examination

    General Blood Test, ESR, Glucose, Urea, Creatinine, Uric Acid, Cholesterol, Triglycerides, γ-GT, SGOT, SGPT

  • Basic Check-up

    Complete Blood Count (CBC), Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR), C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Glucose, Urea, Creatinine, Uric Acid, Potassium, Sodium, Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, Atherogenic Index, Triglycerides, Total Lipids, Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase (γ-GT), Transaminases, General Urine Analysis

  • Basic Check-up for Children aged 3-13

    The Basic Checkup and additional tests for IgE, iron, ferritin, ASTO (Anti-Streptolysin O), Lipoprotein Lp-α, and homocysteine

  • Examination for Men aged 18-40

    Basic Check-up + Homocysteine, Lp(a), Fibrinogen, CK, HBsAg, anti-HIV

  • Examination for Men aged 40-70

    Men’s Check-Up 18-40 + PSA, PLAC test, CEA, aFP, CA19-9, Testo, free-Testo

  • Examination for Men > 70

    Basic Check-up + Na, K, Ca, P, Mg, TP, Alb, Glob, Vit B12, Folic Acid, PSA, fPSA, T3, fT4, TSH, CEA, aFP, CA19-9

  • Examination for Women > 70

    Basic Check-up + Na, K, Fe, Ferritin, Ca, P, Mg, TP, Alb, Glob, B12, Folate, TSH, CEA, AFP, CA 19-9

  • Examination for Women in Menopause

    Basic Check-up + Fe, Ferr, Ca, 24-hour urine Ca, 2-hour urine NTx, PTH, Vit D3- 25(OH), T3, freeT4, TSH, anti-TPO/TG, CEA, CA 125, CA 15.3, CA 19.9

  • Examination for Young Women

    Complete Blood Count (CBC) Thyroid Function Tests (T3, fT4, TSH) Iron (Fe) and Ferritin (Ferr) Calcium (Ca) Anti-Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies (anti- TPO) and Anti-Thyroglobulin Antibodies (anti-TG) CA-125 Prolactin (PRL) CA 15-3 Vaginal cultures HBsAg Anti-HIV

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