05 FEB 15
Basic Check-up
Complete Blood Count (CBC), Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR), C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Glucose, Urea, Creatinine, Uric Acid, Potassium, Sodium, Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, Atherogenic Index, Triglycerides, Total Lipids, Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase (γ-GT), Transaminases, General Urine Analysis
The purpose of the Basic Check-up is the primary evaluation of the body's health through measurements of immune parameters, the assessment of predisposing factors for cardiovascular risk due to dyslipidaemia and endovascular inflammations, as well as the detection of the most common human diseases (diabetes - cardiovascular - liver diseases). Additionally, an initial assessment of the metabolic profile of the body is performed. The examinations of the Basic Check-up include:
Complete Blood Count - CBC with 21 parameters - ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate) - CRP (C-Reactive Protein)
- A comprehensive assessment of the body's haemodynamics is made with measurements of haematocrit (HCT), haemoglobin (HGB), red blood cells (RBC), and 4 auxiliary parameters (MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW-CV). The examination reveals blood production as well as indications of anaemia from possible iron deficiency, vitamin deficiencies, or the presence of Mediterranean anaemia, etc.
- The total count of white blood cells of the immune system is measured. Furthermore, the ratio of subpopulations of white blood cells (polymorphonuclear, lymphocytes, large mononuclear, eosinophils) is examined, and an assessment of the immune system's activity against possible infections or organ damage, as well as the presence of allergies or pathological bone marrow diseases, is made.
- The measurement of platelets, responsible for blood clotting, provides additional information on possible infection or chronic inflammation (e.g., smoking), as well as possible disorders in blood clotting (e.g., thrombophilia).
- ESR measurement is performed to monitor the possible activation of the immune system due to chronic inflammations and diseases of the body, in order to conduct further examinations if necessary.
- CRP measurement is performed to monitor short-term inflammations, as well as to detect mild chronic inflammations (atherosclerotic disease and active vascular occlusion).
These analyses, in combination, are the first examinations performed in every check-up and are recommended to be conducted every time blood is drawn for any reason, at intervals exceeding 3 months.
Fasting Blood Sugar (Glucose) / 2-hour Postprandial Sugar
By measuring sugar levels after a twelve-hour fasting period, we assess the potential presence of diabetes.
However, in cases where sugar levels have previously been slightly above the upper limit or slightly below the lower limit, instead of fasting blood sugar, we recommend the 2-hour postprandial sugar test. Sugar levels are measured 2 hours after a carbohydrate-rich breakfast (please inquire us for details). This method reveals the body's dynamic ability to metabolize sugar, exposing an individual's predisposition to diabetes. The test somewhat approximates the sugar curve and is particularly recommended for individuals with a family history of diabetes, obesity, or prolonged stress.
Urea and Creatinine
These are used to evaluate kidney function and their effectiveness in removing specific toxins and metabolic byproducts. These tests can also be used additionally for the indirect detection and assessment of conditions such as dehydration, nutritional disorders, heart failure, etc.
Uric Acid (Uric acid)
It serves as a primary indicator for rheumatoid arthritis (a necessary test in cases of joint pain) but is also used as an indicator of joint stress, especially in athletes. The test detects hyperuricemia and gout, and is further utilized if needed to regulate dietary habits with foods low in uric acid.
Sodium (Na+), Potassium (K+) - Electrolytes are the most important salts in the body regulated by the kidneys, whose function significantly deteriorates with age. Disturbances in their levels can cause confusion, lethargy, and affect mental functions, even dangerously affecting cardiac function. These tests are essential in cases of chronic medication use and especially in cases of diuretic and cardiac medication intake.
Lipid Profile, με τις μετρήσεις της ολικής χοληστερίνης (Chol), της χοληστερίνης υψηλής πυκνότητας – HDL (προστατευτική χοληστερίνη), της χοληστερίνης χαμηλής πυκνότητας – LDL( βλαπτική χοληστερίνη) , του αθηρωματικού δείκτη, των Τριγλυκεριδίων (Trig) and Ολικών Λιπιδίων (Total Lipids)
The atherogenic index, which represents the risk for cardiovascular diseases that may occur over a decade due to lipid metabolism disorders, is calculated from the relevant proportions of cholesterol fractions.
Their results estimate the endogenous production of cholesterol as well as the dietary burden of animal fats in our bodies. The results are evaluated as a whole for further dietary advice or therapeutic regimens with dietary supplements or medications if needed.
Hepatic Transaminase Enzymes (AST/ALT) and γ-GT
Simultaneous measurement of all three analyses assesses the health of liver function and estimates possible liver burden from alcohol or drug consumption, as well as from overeating, fatty liver, etc.
Indirectly, these examinations can indicate infectious diseases such as hepatitis B and C (sexually and iatrogenically transmitted), so that appropriate medical treatments and precautions can be given immediately.
General Urine Analysis is used to check the degree of body hydration, the health of the urinary system, and to detect any infections.
They can also timely detect dangerous metabolic disorders, such as sudden weight loss, as well as more serious kidney and bladder diseases.
We provide you with the results along with a full explanation, evaluation, and initial guidance as needed.
As preparation for the morning blood draw and examination, the following is recommended:
– Mandatory intake of an evening meal the night before.
– The last meal should be consumed up to 11-12 hours before blood sampling.
– The evening meal should contain fewer animal fats (if it includes cheeses, fatty dairy products, and meats).
- In the morning, only coffee should be consumed, with free water intake.For urine collection:
– Collect the first morning urine.
– Wash the area thoroughly with plenty of water, without soap.
– Discard the first urine of the urination and collect a small amount from the midstream in a special urine container.-
Σχετικές εξετάσεις
Simple Examination
General Blood Test, ESR, Glucose, Urea, Creatinine, Uric Acid, Cholesterol, Triglycerides, γ-GT, SGOT, SGPT
Basic Check-up
Complete Blood Count (CBC), Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR), C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Glucose, Urea, Creatinine, Uric Acid, Potassium, Sodium, Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, Atherogenic Index, Triglycerides, Total Lipids, Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase (γ-GT), Transaminases, General Urine Analysis
Basic Check-up for Children aged 3-13
The Basic Checkup and additional tests for IgE, iron, ferritin, ASTO (Anti-Streptolysin O), Lipoprotein Lp-α, and homocysteine
Examination for Men aged 18-40
Basic Check-up + Homocysteine, Lp(a), Fibrinogen, CK, HBsAg, anti-HIV
Examination for Men aged 40-70
Men’s Check-Up 18-40 + PSA, PLAC test, CEA, aFP, CA19-9, Testo, free-Testo
Examination for Men > 70
Basic Check-up + Na, K, Ca, P, Mg, TP, Alb, Glob, Vit B12, Folic Acid, PSA, fPSA, T3, fT4, TSH, CEA, aFP, CA19-9
Examination for Women > 70
Basic Check-up + Na, K, Fe, Ferritin, Ca, P, Mg, TP, Alb, Glob, B12, Folate, TSH, CEA, AFP, CA 19-9
Examination for Women in Menopause
Basic Check-up + Fe, Ferr, Ca, 24-hour urine Ca, 2-hour urine NTx, PTH, Vit D3- 25(OH), T3, freeT4, TSH, anti-TPO/TG, CEA, CA 125, CA 15.3, CA 19.9
Examination for Young Women
Complete Blood Count (CBC) Thyroid Function Tests (T3, fT4, TSH) Iron (Fe) and Ferritin (Ferr) Calcium (Ca) Anti-Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies (anti- TPO) and Anti-Thyroglobulin Antibodies (anti-TG) CA-125 Prolactin (PRL) CA 15-3 Vaginal cultures HBsAg Anti-HIV