What you need to know

Gastroscopy is the best examination for investigating symptoms that may be due to a disorder of the oesophagus, stomach, or duodenum, as it allows for precise diagnosis and confirmation through biopsy. It is a safe and short examination (lasting approximately 5-15 minutes).

Before the examination:

  • Do not worry. Gastroscopy is a painless examination. The passage of the endoscope through the throat may induce a feeling of nausea, but this is usually easily overcome with medication.
  • Do not eat any food for at least 7-9 hours and do not drink water for at least 2 hours before the examination.
  • Ask your doctor if you should take your medications.

At the clinic:

  • The doctor will record your medical history and review your tests. Do not forget to mention any respiratory, cardiac, neurological, or psychiatric problems, allergies, and medications you are taking. Mention if you have prostate issues, glaucoma, diabetes, and if you are taking aspirin, antiplatelet agents, or anticoagulant medications.
  • You will be asked to sign a consent form, as is done in many other countries.

In the endoscopy room:

  • You will be asked to remove your dentures, if you have, take off your glasses, loosen your belt, and lie on the examination bed on your left side.
  • A small intravenous catheter may be placed in your right hand, which remains in place throughout the examination, to administer a light sedative (sedation) if necessary.
  • The doctor will spray your throat with a local anaesthetic (lidocaine) and place a plastic mouthpiece between your teeth to protect the endoscope from being bitten.
  • Then, the lubricated endoscope is passed through the mouth, throat, oesophagus, stomach, and duodenum. Breathe slowly and deeply through your nose and mouth.

After the examination:

  • The doctor will provide you with the examination results, inform you if biopsies were taken, and when you will receive the biopsy results. If necessary, they will prescribe treatment. Ask when you can resume your daily medications.
  • Home Blood Collection

    For chronically ill or elderly patients, there are home blood collection services available.
  • Schedule an appointment

    • You may call us at 2385049200-208 to schedule an appointment with gastroenterologist .

Schedule an Appointment